Saturday, February 7, 2009

With Possibility comes Impossibility!

"Nothing is Impossible!" - "Impossible itself means that I-M-POSSIBLE!" - blah blah .. For me, these are just the sentences which you use to boost or calm yourself. At least such sentences do not motivate me, they do not give me any kind of hope, they are just meaning-less sentences for me!

There are some things which are actually IMPOSSIBLE - Just think if everything is possible, if we can do everything, if anything can happen then what is the use of this so not possible word?!

For instance, I did not get admission in my desired department beacuse of my low merit and now it is IMPOSSIBLE to get admission there this year, - My beloved dumped me and is involved with some one else now it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to trust him again, - I lost the game and now it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to get the trophy, My childhood has passed and now it is IMPOSSIBLE to get those days back, The bus was over-loaded and it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a place inside - So, you see how important part this little word is playing in our lives and how it over takes our favourite word POSSIBLE!

I am not denying the importance of alternatives but I believe that alternatives do not satisfy you the way the real things do! - I can try next year and get the admission, I can give another chance to the one I love, I can try again to win the game, I can make my young age more beautiful to compensate for that childhood age, I can take the next bus - But what do I get for now?! Sypmathies?? Consolations?? Motivations?? Taunts?? - I hate them all!

Why don't we realize the actual meaning of this word? Why do we always want to satisfy ourselves by saying that nothing is impossible? Why do we always want to run away from the facts? - Life does not give you the realy joy this way! Though, you can spend some good time by thinking that a 'possibility' is always there but then one day or another, you have to face the reality of IMPOSSIBLE!

Believing in "Everything happens for a reason" should give you the courage to believe that some things are IMPOSSIBLE and there must always be a reason behind that IMPOSSIBLE as well.

Realize this neglected word, Enjoy the impossibilities, Take the alternatives, Face the life without excuses!

-Stay happy! =)