Sunday, June 7, 2009

The meaning-less Sorrys!

“I am really sorry “- “I did not mean to hurt you “– “It won’t happen again “– etc etc.

Do you think apologies really help?? – Not in my case at least! Some people say, including most of my friends that if someone has done anything wrong to them than he/she should apologize at least once as it will soothe them in a way or other. But does that really happen? Can you really forget all the hurt someone caused you and all the pain they put you through just by an apology?! I am not denying the greatness of forgiving and the courage of asking for forgiveness but sometimes I find “SORRY” just some meaning-less five alphabets said by people who don’t even know its actual worth!

The fact is that if someone is really sorry than you just come to know from their behavior even before they speak those five alphabets! So, for me, it is not necessary to SAY that you’re sorry – it’s not that I want people not to say but it would be much better if they actually show how they feel – as sometimes words are simply not ENOUGH!

And one thing which people should keep in their mind is that no doubt that “to err is human” but mistakes are not something that keeps on happening again and again. If you have done something wrong and you have realized your mistake and you are actually sorry about it then it should NOT happen again because apologizing simple means assuring the other person that it won’t happen again. But if you commit that same mistake again then this time it didn’t just happen, instead you actually committed it! Or you can say, the second time it wasn’t a “MIS-TAKE” rather it was a “TAKE”. =)

Try to use the word “sorry” as less as you can – Avoid doing such things for which you need to apologize later on – Do not REPEAT your mistakes – Don’t be egoistic and stubborn – Be Nice! =)