Sunday, January 18, 2009

Its late !

" Its never too late " - We all hear this phrase very often but I don't really believe in it. I think it is just an excuse for something you have missed and for me, excuses are always lame, of no use and they should not even exist!

The fact is that it is really late sometimes. For instance, you missed your best buddy's birthday and the next day you wish him/her, feel sorry with this lame phrase in your mind - " It's never too late ". But in your heart you know somewhere inside that it is actually late and the special time, the perfect day has gone. Or for example, someone did something really unfair to you and after sometime he/she realizes his/her mistake and comes back to you just to tell you how sorry he/she is and wants you to forgive because IT'S NEVER TOO LATE ! - This should not happen, being sorry and being forgiven does not mean that the hurt is healed, the pain you caused is vanished. I believe that there is always a right time for everything and when that right time is once passed - its passed! You can not bring it back and it is actually LATE now !

As they say -
" Always leave your loved ones with loving words because it might be the last time you are talking to them. " - So, realize before it is too late. Love NOW! - Forgive NOW! - Care NOW! - Laugh NOW! - Smile NOW! - Enjoy NOW! - Ask for forgiveness NOW! - And most of all, LIVE NOW!

Do not let it go and wait for the right time. Do not commit mistakes knowingly. You never know, NOW may be the right time, NOW may be the last chance.

Come out of this " It's never too late " and avoid being help-less in the end.

Cheers. :)

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